LSD Addiction
LSD, a common street name for lysergic acid diethylamide, is one of the most popular club drugs in the United States. When you start abusing this drug for its hallucinogenic effects, you will eventually find yourself struggling with tolerance, dependence, and addiction. Read on to find out more:
About LSD
LSD is a synthetic psychedelic drug that induces various psychological effects. It is also known as acid and ranks among the most commonly abused hallucinogens in the United States.
When you take this drug and experience its effects, you could be said to be going on a trip. Such a trip often comes with various sensations and images. While experiencing a trip, you may think that these hallucinations are real although they might not be.
Today, the drug is known by over 80 street names as well as its generic name, lysergic acid diethylamide. It is created from lysergic acid that is found in fungus growing on rye and grains.
As a hallucinogen, LSD is one of the most powerful drugs available in the United States. It is now produced in its crystalized form before being mixed with excipients or even diluted in liquids so that it can be turned into an ingestible product.
When you take this drug, it will alter your psychological state and mood. It is also available in various forms, including gelatin squares, capsules, and tablets. In other situations, it can also be found in liquid form.
The reason why you might be tempted to abuse LSD is because you would be interested in experiencing the intense out of body or spiritual effects that it produces. In many cases, the acid trip will last for around 12 hours or longer. During this time, you will go through perceptual changes that seem real in your mind. Some of these changes could be so adverse that you end up harming yourself.
Other Names for LSD
On the streets, LSD is known by a wide variety of names by people who are looking to avoid detection by law enforcement officials and other authorities. Examples of these street names include but are not limited to:
- Acid
- Battery acid
- Blotter
- Blue
- Boomers
- California
- Cid
- Cubes
- Doses
- Dots
- Dragon
- Golden
- Heart
- Heavenly
- Hippie
- Loony toons
- Lucy in the sky with diamonds
- Microdot
- Pane
- Purple
- Sunshine
- Superman
- Tab
- Tabs
- Window pane
- Yellow sunshine
- Zen
Signs and Symptoms of LSD Addiction
If you continue taking LSD chronically, it could interfere with various aspects of your life as well as cause you to suffer psychological distress. Over time, you will start displaying the following signs and symptoms of LSD addiction:
- Anxiety
- Being highly emotional
- Difficulty concentrating
- Dilated pupils
- Disruption in your daily life
- Elated emotions
- Extreme sweating
- Impacted sense of space and time
- Impaired coordination
- Increased body temperature
- Issues with your functionality
- Lack of motivation
- Losing interest in work, relationships, social activities, and daily commitments due to ongoing drug abuse
- Loss of appetite
- Loss of memory
- Mixing LSD with other addictive substances to heighten your drug taking experience
- Nausea
- Neglecting your hobbies and responsibilities due to continued LSD use
- Overly empathetic
- Panic attacks
- Paranoia
- Poor decision-making skills and abilities
- Poor judgment
- Restlessness
- Spending a great deal of money or time acquiring and using LSD
- Stealing to be able to afford the drug
- Taking more of the drug than you intended
- Vomiting
Short and Long-Term Effects of LSD Abuse
Using LSD will affect the serotonin system in your brain. As a result, you may end up suffering a wide variety of physical and psychological side effects. Serotonin is one of the primary neurotransmitters in your brain. To this end, using LSD will also change how your central nervous system works.
The drug can also affect you in many other ways, especially in the areas where serotonin controls in your brain. Over time, you may start experiencing the various short and long term side effects of LSD use, including but not limited to:
- A lack of motivation
- Alienation
- Anxiety attacks
- Being unable to operate heavy machinery or to drive a car
- Bipolar disorder
- Blurred vision
- Chills
- Confusion
- Delusions
- Depression
- Difficulties with emotional stability
- Difficulty with reality
- Dilated pupils
- Dissociation
- Dry mouth
- Euphoria
- Extreme anxiety
- Extreme hallucination
- Extreme sweating
- Extreme wellbeing
- Flashbacks
- General cognition problems
- Hallucinogen persistent perception disorder or HPPD
- High body temperatures
- Impaired coordination
- Impaired depth perception
- Incoherent speech
- Increased blood pressure
- Increased heart rate
- Issues with emotional functioning
- Loss of appetite
- Memory loss
- Mood disorders
- Nausea
- Panic attacks
- Paranoia
- Perceptual heightening
- Poor cognitive function
- Poor judgment
- Problematic sleep patterns
- Problems with critical thinking
- Restlessness
- Seizures
- Sensory enhancement
- Severe depression
- Significant psychosis
- Social problems
- Suicidal tendencies and actions
- Sweating
- Synesthesia (or seeing sounds and hearing colors)
- Tingling in the toes or fingers
- Tremors
- Visual hallucinations
- Vomiting
- Weakness
LSD Overdose
Although the DEA - the Drug Enforcement Authority - has classified LSD as a dangerous drug, there is little evidence to show that taking this substance in high doses can lead to fatal effects.
However, mixing LSD with any other addictive substance could increase the risk of overdose. Either way, the following are some of the effects that you could experience if you suffer a drug overdose involving acid:
- Bleeding of the brain
- Changes in respiration
- Chills
- Comatose state
- Extremely dilated pupils
- Gastric issues, including gastric bleeding
- Heart arrhythmia
- High body temperature
- Highly elevated blood pressure
- Muscle shakes
- Nausea
- Respiratory failure
- Seizures
- Tremors
- Unconsciousness
- Vomiting
Even so, there could be a risk of death from overdosing on LSD. This could happen because the drug takes 90 minutes before it has an effect. During this time, you may continue using LSD in a bid to speed up the process by which you experience the desired trip effects.
The important thing is to ensure that you seek medical care as soon as you realize that you are overdosing on LSD. You should do this by calling 911 or your local poisons control center the moment you experience the above listed effects.
LSD Withdrawal Symptoms
Ongoing LSD abuse could lead to the development of tolerance. This means that you will get to a point where you find that you have to take the drug in higher doses or more frequently than you used to before you can experience its pleasurable effects.
Over time, tolerance will become so bad that you will experience withdrawal symptoms if you abruptly stop using LSD or significantly reduce the dose of the drug that you have become accustomed to. These symptoms include:
- Anxiety
- Confusion
- Depersonalization
- Flashbacks to previous LSD effects
- Lack of concentration
The Best Options for LSD Addiction Treatment
There are several treatment options available for LSD addiction treatment. These options include but are not limited to the following:
- Group counseling
- Individual counseling, including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and motivational interviewing (MI) approaches
- Inpatient rehab centers
- Outpatient rehab centers
- Twelve-step recovery programs
When you first check into an addiction treatment program, you will be provided with a thorough evaluation and assessment to determine the extent and severity of your LSD addiction. This assessment will also be used to find out if you have any other co-occurring addictions and mental health and medical disorders over and above your LSD use disorder.
After the assessment, the treatment program will provide you with medically managed detox services. The goal of detox is to manage any withdrawal symptoms and drug cravings that you display as you start learning how to live without the drug in your system, and eliminating its remaining traces.
Once the detox process has proved successful, you will be offered inpatient or outpatient rehab services. Inpatient treatment would be ideal if you have a severe LSD addiction and/or other co-occurring medical and mental health disorders.
Outpatient treatment, on the other hand, is the right option if your addiction to LSD is not severe or long lasting enough to require inpatient treatment. It might also be useful if you have already been through inpatient drug rehab but still need additional recovery services to ensure that you completely overcome your LSD abuse.
The important thing is to ensure that you get help for your LSD abuse and addiction before it is too late to work on overcoming this condition. As far as possible, it is recommended that you seek LSD recovery services from an accredited addiction treatment and rehabilitation center.